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Baby FM

The amazing BABY FM concept allows you to overcome the problems that today parents are facing.
Sleepless nights

Parents loose up to 6 months of sleep during 2 year period

Medication mistakes

Occurs every 8 minutes in the USA

Baby’s skin irritation

As a consequence of using existing devices



Baby FM consists of a sensor measurement tool and mobile app for display of results. Elastic band with silver threads holds the measurement sensor in small pocket in contact with skin, allowing precise temperature measurement.

Easy to use

Baby FM simple design and user friendly application will allow its users to easily overcome temperature monitoring issues, specially at early age.

Keeping track

Be able to keep track of all the temperature measurement records easily via Baby FM app – available on Google play as well as App store.

Save reports

From the tool bar at bottom of our app, click SAVE, and enter a report name. View all of the saved results at Saved Reports section. Easy as that.

Benefits for parents.
Benefits for pediatricians.

Real-time remote monitoring and alerting on the baby’s body temperature.
  • Reports on fever episodes and medication effects
  • Medicine tracking and notifications
  • Applicable in clinical and home environment
  • Chat Bot and video call with pediatricians
Sleepless nights

Parents loose up to 6 months of sleep during 2 year period.

Medication mistakes

Occurs every 8 minutes in the USA.

Baby's skin irritation

As a consequence of using existing devices.

Overcome these problems with BabyFM

"​Najveći problem je kada dvoje dece u istoj noći imaju temperaturu u različitim vremenskim intervalima.

Ovaj uređaj bi mi omogućio da imam praćenje temperature i mogućnost da znam kojem detetu sam u koliko sati dala terapiju, noći bi mi bile mnogo lakše."

Milica Ashley


"​Koliko smo mi rodetelji imali neprospavanih noći zbog mogućeg skoka temperature naše dece? A koliko smo tek puta merili temperaturu po više puta zato što ne verujemo toplomeru?

Ovo su samo neki od razloga zašto ja jedva čekam Baby FM. 

Mislim da će ovaj uređaj u velikoj meri smanjiti brigu roditelja i omogućiti pravovremenu upotrebu anipiretika."

Aleksandra & Teodor


"​Temperatura kod dece je uvek briga za roditelje, jer nikada ne znamo šta da očekujemo. 

Čak i kada dete spava, roditelj bdi nad njim.

Baby FM je super uređaj iz te perspektive, a posebno zbog mogućnosti komunikacije sa
pedijatrom u cilju dobijanja stručnog mišljenja."

Hristina & Mila


Connect to any smartphone

Baby FM mobile application – available on Google play as well as App store. 

Easily control and monitor baby fever status.  Anywhere, anytime.

News from Baby FM

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Baby FM would like to invite you to a public consultation regarding our project Baby FM: Wearable AIoT-based system for continuous temperature …
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